Livre d'images sans images
En lys sommers usigelige smerte
Suppose a Room
Penelope sleeps
It could be that the saddest thing
     is not knowing that one is sad
Music For Lectures/ Every word
     was once an animal
I can’t quite place it
We to be
No Title
Time has fallen asleep in
     the afternoon sunshine
every now and then
or else nobody will know
Time will show (detail)
Private collection
Faits divers
coffee & cigarette
Artist in Residence
The way/ you move
Light Shade Shade
The Appendixes #1–4
Livre d’images sans images (LP)
one continuous line or a thought
     that dissolves into the distance
Not Not Nothing
Time has fallen asleep in
     the afternoon sunshine
Afternoon Editions
Objects 2002 - 2015
We to be
every now and then
Time will show (detail)
Varamo Press
Time has fallen asleep in
     the afternoon sunshine

Time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine - Appendixes #1-4

Edited by Mette Edvardsen, Léa Poiré, Victoria Pérez Royo
Published by Time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, 2024

The Appendixes #1–4 is an editorial series by Mette Edvardsen, Léa Poiré and Victoria Pérez Royo that developed out of the project Time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine. For a two-year residency at Les Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers* (2022–23), they came together as a small work group, shaping the work process, hosting presentation formats and making this publication series on paper as four cahiers.

The cahiers comprise a collection of commissioned texts and contributions created for this context, selected documents and traces from work sessions and encounters organized during their residency, texts read together and republished for this occasion, a collection of references, notes in progress, unfinished thoughts and loose fragments – on paper, between pages.

The Appendixes are organized around four themes: (1) The gesture of writing, (2) How to organize a library, (3) Orality and (4) Translation. In addition to being published on paper, the editorial series also consisted of other formats of presentations, exchanges and meetings organized as workshops, fieldwork, performances, conferences, collective readings and oral publications, taking place during their residency at Les Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers and in the vicinity.

The Appendixes is the work that continues, material that adds on, some of it perhaps too long or too detailed, unfit or unfinished. The four themes that their research is formulated around originate in specific experiences and questions from the practices of Time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine (2010 - ongoing), and also the large publication on the project ‘A book on reading, writing, memory and forgetting in a library of living books’ (2019). The research was both a means of exploring these themes in greater depth and also of bringing them into contact with other artists and researchers working on similar or related subjects. The Appendixes offered them both the contexts and the pretexts for things to happen (in time, in space, on paper).

The Appendixes #1–4, published in these cahiers, do not present an overview or a summary of all of the activities and presentations that took place during the two years at Les Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers. What these cahiers offer is a space in which to hold some thoughts together and to share them in this form. It is one more step along the way, extending the research and work already begun and that will now continue.

#1 The gesture of writing/ Le geste de l’écriture
English/ French
56 pages
Softcover, stapled 21 x 29.5 cm
ISBN 978-82-693555-0-5
€ 15/ NOK 170
#1Texts by Mette Edvardsen, Ane Thon Knutsen, Victoria Pérez Royo, Itxaso Corral Arrieta, Léa Poiré, Ben Woodard, Lizzie Thomson, Dora García, et al.

#2 How to organize a library/ Comment organiser une bibliothèque
English/ French
?? pages
Softcover, stapled 21 x 29.5 cm
ISBN 978-82-693555-1-2
€ 15/ NOK 170
#2 Texts by Victoria Pérez Royo, Gabriela Halac, Sharon Kivland, Paul B. Preciado, Lydia Davis, Léa Poiré, Benjamin Margueritte, Ellef Prestesæter, Mette Edvardsen, et al.

#3 Orality/ Oralité
English/ French
64 pages
Softcover, stapled 21 x 29.5 cm
ISBN 978-82-693555-2-9
€ 15/ NOK 170
#3 Texts by Simon Asencio, Peter Szendy, Bruno De Wachter, Léa Poiré, Jude Joseph, Mette Edvardsen, Itziar Okariz, Clara Amaral

#4 Translation/ Traduction
English/ French
72 pages
Softcover, stapled 21 x 29.5 cm
ISBN 978-82-693555-3-6
€ 15/ NOK 170
#4 Texts by Laía Argüelles Folch, Quim Pujol, Paula Caspão, Simon Asencio, Pascal Poyet, Mette Edvardsen, Léa Poiré, Victoria Pérez Royo, Olivia Fairweather, Kate Briggs, Dora García, Julián Pacomio, Ángela Millano

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